Limitations of Work

Elements of 'work' exist throughout most of Nature, if only for survival.

Man has taken this natural propensity to altogether another level.

There has always been elements of Risk and Harm associated with it.

Over just the last couple of centuries or so, the risks and harm have escalated exponentially.

Countering them, claims can be made about such as 'Health & Safety' improvements.

They however barely touch the surface of Harm at an existential level.

At this ubiquitous level, many aspects of Nature, and well beyond, are under relentless pressure.

At Environmental-, Conservation-, Sustainability-levels, pioneering initiatives do exist.

Lacking are the Definitive-, Core-, Absolute-solutions needed for a complete reversal.

At this highest-possible level, the information exists, but there is no public awareness of it.

This site is one of several intended to help to Raise the Profile of the potentials.

The Founder of this invaluable initiative is treating them as a Legacy offering.

The Core information is well-known, and well-proven, in some private-client Consultancy circles.

The Legacy initiative is committed to releasing the essential Core output to Scale.

Needed are the additional resources to deliver in an expedient timescale.

In preparation, many of the foundational components exist, and continue to be advanced.

Essential now are the higher levels of ITC, and other resources for Delivery.

In part, due to extensive past experiences, a dedicated AI platform is planned also.

Important is helping all forms of Business-related ventures to adapt to Core Harm Reduction.

Essential is to solicit the support of businesses both large and small.


The Founder's initial Introduction can be reached at: 'Derek'